Specializing in Products for Lymphatic/
Vascular Disorders, and Soft Tissue Injuries
Accredited by the Joint Commission On
Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
We have been telling patients for years that the use of a Lymphedema Compression Pump decreases the risk of dangerous infections in the leg. Now here is a study from one of our doctors in Pittsburgh PA confirming this fact. This new study published in Lymphatic Research and Biology this year shows a reduction of infections by 32% and a decrease in hospitalizations of 14% "
Tissue Fluid Pressure and Flow during Pneumatic Compression in Lymphedema of Lower Limbs Abstract Background: Physiotherapy of edema in cases with obstructed main lymphatics of lower limbs requires knowledge of how high external pressures should be applied manually or set in compression devices in order to generate tissue pressures high enough to move tissue fluid to nonswollen regions and to measure its flow rate. Methods: We measured tissue fluid pressure and flow in subcutaneous tissue of lymphedematous limbs stages II to IV at rest and during pneumatic compression under various pressures and inflation timing. An 8-chamber sequential compression device inflated to pressures 50–120 mmHg, for 50 sec each chamber, with no distal deflation, was used. Pressures were measured using a wick-in-needle and electronic manometer. Fluid flow was calculated from continuously recorded changes in limb circumference using strain gauge plethysmography.
This study breaks down everything about the different types of pumps use to deal with Lymphedema. It references, and footnotes a number excellent clinical studies that show the effectiveness pneumatic compression therapy. The study does emphasize that the use of a compression pump works best when used with other devices such as compression garments, elevation, and manual techniques.
This latest study from the " Vein Magazine, Winter Issue 2012" shows how compression therapy, administered from a Four Chambered Pneumatic Compression Pump & Boot shows that a Lymphedema Pump can reduce the size of wounds with repeated use. The study showed that the Compression Pump group had success in 141 days vs. 211 days for the group with out a pump.
This clinical study was co-authored by Linda Miller, PT. She is one of the most experienced Physical Therapist in the Lymphedema filed. In the study, she endorses the idea of a multi-planned approach to dealing with Lymphedema. Compression garments, elevation, exercise, and a lymphedema compression pump. Something that we advise all patients to treat Lymphedema.
This is yet another study detailing just how well Compression Therapy works at healing Venous Ulcers. The study showed a 96% improvement rate.
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This clinical study dates back to 1996 from the Arch Phys Med Rehabilitation Vol 77, March 1996. The study is great read because it covers everything from the Lymphatic system, to complications, to the treatment options available. The Conclusion states that a combination of garments, massage, and a sequential pump works best to control Lymphedema. " This is something that we have preached for years. No single treatment works best alone. A combination therapy works the best.
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Pneumatic compression therapy was utilized for all patients and led to a 28% decrease in absolute limb volume! 7 out of 8 patients had a significant improvement in their quality of life "
On October 21 1998, a federal law, the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act, became effective. This law requires group health plans that provide coverage for mastectomies to also cover reconstructive surgery and prostheses following mastectomies.
Group health plans are required to send you an annual notification
you about the law’s provisions. The law
mandates that a member receiving benefits for a medically necessary masectomy, who elects
reconstruction after
the mastectomy, will also receive coverage for:
- reconstruction of the breast on which the mastectomy has been performed
- surgery and reconstruction of the other breast to produce a symmetrical appearance
- prostheses at the site of the surgery
- treatment of physical complications of all stages of mastectomy, including lymphedemas
This coverage will be provided in consultation with the attending physician and the patient,
and wil
be subject to the
same annyual deductibles and coinsurance provisions that apply for the mastectomy.
This Law was passed in 1998. It was sent through Congress to protect women who have had
cancer. While it is a
federal law, your insurance company may need to be reminded of this. If you have developed
Lymphedema, and desire
treatment, whether it includes, Reconstructive Surgery, Physicial Therapy, a Lymphedema
Pump, or all
three, it should be
covered under the law. It is the responsibility of the you, the patient to protect these
Advanced Rehab
Technologies can help you deal with your Insurance Company, but it final responsibility rest
you to protect these
On October 21 1998, a federal law, the Women’s Health and
Cancer Rights Act, became effective. This law requires group
health plans that provide coverage for mastectomies to also
cover reconstructive surgery and prostheses following mastectomies.
This has been temporarily suspended until a later
date until a further decision by Medicare.
" As of November 1st, 2014, Medicare will put into
place new regulations that will dramatically change
how Medicare patients can obtain a Lymphedema
Compression Pump. The new rules will make it much
more difficult to qualify for a Lymphedema Compression
Pump for the treatment of various Lymphatic, and
Venous Disorders.
* As of November 1st, Podiatrist, or D.P.M.s will no
longer be allowed to prescribe a Lymphedema
Compression Pump. Patients will need to go to
their family physician or other doctor to have them prescribe the needed equipment.
* All patients must have in their clinical records information that shows they used some
type of
compression stocking to
control the edema for at least thirty days prior to getting a Lymphedema pump.
* Patient now must under go MLD or Manual Lymph Drainage, This is a type of physical
therapy, done
by a trained
Lymphatic Therapist. There are very few MLD Therapist out there. The Therapist must provide
measurements that
show failure of conservative treatments.
To qualify for an Advanced Lymphedema Compression Pump with Calibrated, Gradient Compression
must now have the
physician diagnose you with edema in the limb ( arm or leg ) that has extended into the
trunk area
( chest or abdomen).
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